Yesterday I went to shop for a trouser and zeroed down on one. On asking the sales person for the price, he replied “It’s 699 after discount plus you have to pay 4% VAT”. I asked for what joy did I have to pay VAT when it’s actually inclusive. I said I am going to buy the pair but not paying any VAT whatsoever. He said I had to talk to the manager and took me to the front desk. The guy stationed there too said the same thing and suggested I talk to the manager over the phone. He connects me to the manager and I explained the same thing thrice and told him that he was cheating the customers by taking an extra on an already inclusive tax. I could not believe that my reading the Times of India was proving to be of such an advantage. I guess he knew about it and so he could not counter argue with me on that and told me that from the following day he would not take any VAT. I said “Why? What’s wrong with today?” … and I got my trousers for 699 only. It felt really good. So I urge everyone to also go through the article below and raise your voice whenever you find any shop trying to double cross its customers. VAT actually reduces the price of the good and not otherwise.
To more about VAT please refer to.
Gosh... This is 'shocking'. I myswlf shopped in a big retail store this weekend & paid a VAT after the discount sale. Had I not read this - I wouldn't even had realized that i'd been cheated. Ignorance can lead to more shocks. Nice informative article
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