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Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Life, a 4 letter word engulfing everything we do in a lifetime. Full of meaning for those who are leading a descent one but what about those who are less privileged? For them life is a living hell. Do all of us deserve the same amount of happiness and pleasure? My answer would be yes, why not? With that rise another question, if thats what we want why we created society with different cast and making some superior to others? Why are all of us not rich? Why there is poor section of human pool struggling for a piece of bread while a different section wastes food every time they have some? Why so much bias and prejudice in today’s world? So many questions unanswered.

I wish this earth be a much better place to live with no poverty and no suffering and definitely no war. Let peace embrace the earth. Aamen.


Blogger Meenakshi said...

Nice Thought

8/11/2006 06:28:00 PM  
Blogger mahboob said...

thanks @meenakshi

8/14/2006 09:54:00 AM  
Blogger Fardeen said...

good one. but, it's al nature's plan, i think. white is always brighter when it's put against black. 'earning' a comfortable life becomes so important for us when we see the suufering lot , isn't it?

3/15/2007 12:13:00 AM  

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