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Thursday, July 20, 2006


Should I or shouldn’t I

In my prime times I often dreamt I am playing some good guitar tune (mostly I would portray myself playing the hotel California cords by Eagles) communing with like minds and of course in the midst of all there is always this beautiful girl (which keeps changing from dream to dream.. ha ha) who would appreciate the performance and eventually fall for me. Those vibes drives me wild and all I could do is increase the volume of my music system which was just not enough to match my passion. Sometimes I wonder whether it’s the girl or is it the guitar! I guess it’s a mix of both. I used to listen to music for hours and imagine myself performing in stage but never did anything to peruse my passion. I always wanted to do a guitar course but. Ironically I couldn’t even think of a reason why I didn’t.

I want to take a last shot at what I want to do all my life. At least a part of me keeps calling out to do it. The question is should I or shouldn’t I follow my dream. Not that I want to be a rock star but a stag performance wouldn’t be bad. Over the years when I look back and ask myself what is that I have achieved something thrilling, all that comes to my mind is a void. I want to learn guitar because I find it soul filling. Now that the girl in my life is fixed so no more girl problem, just the guitar is there. My current guitar literacy is limited to few words like G-major, G-minor.

I picture myself now how would I look with the gizmo guitar performing in stage. I guess performing in stage is not that big of a deal I just want to peruse the long lost dream.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Life, a 4 letter word engulfing everything we do in a lifetime. Full of meaning for those who are leading a descent one but what about those who are less privileged? For them life is a living hell. Do all of us deserve the same amount of happiness and pleasure? My answer would be yes, why not? With that rise another question, if thats what we want why we created society with different cast and making some superior to others? Why are all of us not rich? Why there is poor section of human pool struggling for a piece of bread while a different section wastes food every time they have some? Why so much bias and prejudice in today’s world? So many questions unanswered.

I wish this earth be a much better place to live with no poverty and no suffering and definitely no war. Let peace embrace the earth. Aamen.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


1. All men are extremely busy.
2. Although they are so busy, they still have time for women.
3. Although they have time for women, they don't really care for them.
4. Although they don't really care for them, they always have one Around.
5. Although they always have one around them, they always try their Luck with others.
6. Although they try their luck with others, they get really pissed off If the women leaves them.
7. Although the women leave them they still don't learn from their mistakes and still try their luck with others.

Friday, July 07, 2006


I often ponder

You are on a call talking to one of your friend and one of a common friend is there beside you. Even though he is not directly communicating but can make out every conversation you both are having over the phone but still when he takes over the phone from this dude who is sitting besides him, guess what he does. He will ask the same very question with a tint of surprise as if he does not know what happened. And probably the dude on the other side also knows that this dude knows but still he will explain things elaborately. I do often wonder why this is so? Well maybe because they don’t have anything else to talk about.

Guess there are too many dudes talking to too many dudes at the same time, even I am confuses which dude is talking to which dude ...(LOL).

I guess I ended this blog in a serious PJ note.